PO Box 93
Brooktondale, NY 14817
607 539 7752
My works represent a synergy between my two great passions: art and science. My formal training is in science and engineering, but I have been drawing, painting and sculpting for as long as I can remember. My appreciation of nature comes from experiencing the beauty of natural forms while understanding the underlying structure and the laws that govern and unify them.
My fascination with patterns and symmetries are apparent in many of my works. In these pieces I take botanical images and create mandalas and other complex symmetries, which I then use as a canvas. I overlay these with scenes drawn from nature such as forests and the night sky to give a surreal, dream-like quality. Another reoccurring theme is the use of ancient glyphs and symbols, both real and imagined.
Unlike most collage artists, I use only my own images in my collages. Working in many layers, I manipulate my photographs, drawings and paintings on a computer before bringing them together into the final piece.